Private Reserves: The Botswana Model for African Conservation

Private Reserves: The Botswana Model for African Conservation

July 28, 2024 0 By Richard Easley

With its incredible scenery, abundant wildlife, and pristine ecosystems, Botswana is a popular destination for safari enthusiasts from around the world. When embarking on a Botswana safari holiday, there are two types of reserves you can visit during your time there: private reserves and national parks.

While government-managed initiatives provide widespread access to the country’s natural treasures, private reserves like Mashatu Game Reserve offer a more exclusive approach. This piece explores the distinct differences between these two options and what you can expect from each.

The Features Offered by Private Reserves

Private reserves are protected areas owned by private individuals or companies. They are usually fenced off and typically significantly more expensive than national parks. However, private reserves come with a wide range of exciting benefits for visitors to enjoy.

Personalised Luxury

Unlike government-managed parks, which often prioritise accessibility and education, private reserves typically focus on personalised luxury and a deeper immersion in the wilderness. You’ll enjoy a unique boutique experience and all the amenities you need for a comfortable stay.

Smaller Size

Private reserves are usually significantly smaller than national parks. This smaller size and lower visitor capacity of private reserves can allow for more intimate encounters with nature. It may also be easier to navigate and the wildlife encounters and sightings are more special within a compact reserve.

Unique Activities

When staying at a private reserve, you’ll have access to a wider range of activities than you would at a national park. Some of the activities you can expect to enjoy include walking safaris, night drives, and off-road game drives. Special activities can most likely be organised upon request.

High-End Accommodation

While some private reserves offer more rustic accommodation, in most cases you can expect luxury bedding with quality finishes. This is why private reserves are a popular choice among honeymooners who want a little more comfort than the average Botswana safari guests.

Superior Safari Guides

Private reserves make sure they have the best safari guides in the country. They are trained to provide each guest with the best safari experience they possibly can. Their knowledge most times supercedes that of their counterparts in national parks.

The Benefits Offered by National Parks

Owned and managed by the government, national parks are large pieces of protected land. Their main aim is to conserve the land allocated to them and they usually have quite strict rules. 

A Focus on Education

When visiting a national park in Botswana, you are bound to learn a lot about local fauna and flora. The guides you’ll encounter will be incredibly knowledgeable, and there will most likely be an information centre onsite.


National parks are designed to be affordable for all visitors. The entrance prices for locals are usually lower than those for foreigners, which ensures that residents have easy access to their national parks. Accommodation is also usually reasonably priced. 

Large Parks

National parks are usually much larger than private reserves. This is advantageous as there are broader landscapes and more animal species to see. For example, the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park spans over an impressive 39,000 kilometres squared.

Structured Activities

You can expect to enjoy ‘traditional’ game reserve activities when visiting a national park, such as game drives. There will most likely be quite a few rules in place to minimise any disturbance to the local wildlife.

A Range of Accommodation Options

From camping to high-end lodges, national parks typically offer a wide range of accommodation options, so there should be something to suit you no matter your budget and personal preferences.

Botswana’s Best Private Reserves

Linyanti Wildlife Reserve

Linyati Wildlife Reserve offers a diverse variety of wildlife experiences. You can see big game, such as buffalo and lion, especially in the cooler months. There are also plenty of smaller creatures, such as birds, in the region.

One of the best things to do at this private reserve is to enjoy a sundowner from a comfortable viewing deck as you take in the amazing views of the African bush. If you are looking to do something truly special, you could always book a helicopter flight over the reserve.

Mashatu Game Reserve

Mashatu Game Reserve can be found in Botswana’s far eastern corner and is known for its majestic landscapes and herds of elephants. It is one of the largest private game reserves in Africa and is well worth spending at least a few days here on any Botswana safari.

You can look forward to seeing Africa’s ‘big seven’ and impressive ecological diversity. There are plenty of lesser-known species, such as the honey badger, the aardwolf, and the bat-eared fox, among others.

Okavango Delta (Concessions)

The Okavango Delta, made up of many private concessions, is known for its regular sightings of African wild dogs and elephants. The area is well-known for its waterways, which is perfect for canoe safaris.

If you want to visit the amazing Okavango Delta, there are plenty of private concessions you could stay at, including the Kwara Concession and Ranns Concession among around a dozen others. 

Botswana’s Best National Parks

Chobe National Park

As the second largest park in the country, Chobe National Park is a popular destination for anyone embarking on a Botswana safari. The park is home to over 50,000 elephants, and these gentle giants can often be seen along the banks of the majestic Chobe River.

There are also some great boating safaris on offer, which will give you the opportunity to see hippos up close and personal.

Makgadikgadi National Park

The 3,900 square metres national park is home to the shimmering Makgadigadi salt pans and a wide variety of animals, including zebras, wildebeests, and other grazing species. The park is also famous for its large baobab trees, which are truly impressive in size. 

Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Located in central Botswana, this game reserve will blow you away with its dramatic natural beauty and desert landscapes. There aren’t as many animal species here as in other parks, but the Kalahari Desert provides an unmissable and enigmatic safari experience.

What About Conservancies and Private Concessions?

In addition to national parks and private reserves, you have two more options available: conservancies and private concessions. 


Conservancies are managed by private land owners, communities, or governmental organisations. Their main objective is to conserve the land and animals on the property and promote sustainable tourism practices. Conservancies are often located on the borders of national parks.

Private Concessions

Private concessions are pieces of land leased from the government. They are often located within a national park. They operate in very much the same way as private reserves, except they’re located on public land.


You may probably feel as though you are unsure which of these you’d like to visit, private reserves or national parks. Or maybe you’d prefer to visit a conservancy or private concession. Our advice would be to to get in touch with us so we can discuss your unique travel needs and help offer some more clarity, as all offer unique experiences and the opportunity to see a variety of local wildlife.

Have you always dreamt of going on a Botswana safari holiday? Here at Tailormade Africa, we have planned hundreds of custom Botswana safaris, and we would love the opportunity to plan your dream holiday! No matter your preferences, we can come up with a tailor-made itinerary that ensures you make the most of your time in Africa. Contact us today to get the ball rolling and start planning the trip of a lifetime.